Friday, October 24, 2014

Dream Trip to Macau

When I got the email from Nuffnang to write about Dream Trip to Macau, my trip to Macau in 2012 suddenly came across my mind.

My friend and I have planned the whole thing for the trip for a year, and we started saving some money. The unfortunate things happened, I have to repeat one subject in my examination, and need to use some of my saving money for Macau trip to pay the fees.

Turns out the trip was not enjoyable much, we stayed at some low budget hotels, which was actually not so low cost and expensive as for me as a student, and we were really on tight budget and were not able to explore Macau much. Plus, all of my travel pictures have lost as my hard disc is no longer functioning T_T.

The fact that Macau Government Tourist Office is sending out 3 lucky winners, with all-expense paid mesmerize me, and I was drooling, for real! Ha ha!

I really wanted to experience the things that I've missed!

1. Macau Tower - Bungee Jumping and Sky Walk Experience

I am always an adrenaline junkie, why not pumped out some! I knew that the bungee jumping required some maximum weight to do so, and I am slightly over it. I'm in the process of reducing weight, and if I won this thing, at least it would be some kind of motivation to keep on going doing so.

source :
I couldn't be happier if it was me!

2. The Portuguese Egg Tart

Why would you visit a certain country if not to try out their famous and mouth watering foods? This is always has been my favourite. None would taste the same as the one in Macau. It's their originality that makes them more delicious. I'm dying to try it again!

3. Macau Fisherman's Wharf

Where else to be to have a chance experiencing travelling the world in just one place? Of course, only at Macau Fisherman's Wharf. It is a theme park, and has buildings that built in the style of different world seaports, and not to forget, the famous 7 Wonders of the World are also there such as the Colosseum. 

I don't need to travel to the other part of world, I guess? hehe...

4. Sightseeing - Macau World Heritage, Museums and Galleries, Churches, Temples, Gardens, Fortresses

This is what I've been missed. We were on tight schedule and not able to go to many places. I really wanted to experience and visit the ancient monuments over there, to know the city's fascinating histories where the East meets West culture are clearly represented by the buildings and monuments, which is unique and fascinating.

It is always a dream to sip a cup of coffee while sitting at Senado Square at night, while watching people walking and enjoying their life.

Ruins of St. Paul's

A-Ma Temple

There are a lot of fabulous places to go in Macau, you have to experience it to feel it. I hope I am going to win this, at least I am trying. Thanks Nuffnang and Macau Government Tourist Office for presenting this chance to all of Nuffnangers!


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