Tuesday, April 5, 2016

10 cara elak dari mengahwini pasangan yang salah

By: Dr. Nafisa Sekandari & Hosai Mojaddidi
There is a right way and a wrong way to get to know someone for marriage.  The wrong way is to get caught up in the excitement and nuance of a budding relationship and in the process completely forget to ask the critical questions that help determine compatibility.
One of the biggest mistakes that many young Muslims make is rushing into marriage without properly and thoroughly getting to know someone.  A common myth is that the duration of a courtship is an accurate enough measure of how compatible two people are.

The logic follows that the longer you speak with someone, the better you will know them.
The problem with that premise is that no consideration is given to how that time is spent. Increasingly, young Muslim couples are engaging in “halal dating,” which is basically socializing with each other in the company of friends and/or family. This includes going out to dinner, watching a movie, playing some sport or other leisure activity, etc.  Depending on the family or culture, conversations are either minimal & chaperoned or worse, unrestricted and unsupervised. When you consider these  limitations it makes one wonder when exactly, if ever at all, would the critical conversations take place?  Unfortunately, for many, the answer is never and they live to suffer the consequences.
If you or someone you know is in the “getting to know someone” phase,  the following guide offers advice on exactly what to look for and avoid:

1) Do Not Marry Potential
Oftentimes men consider marrying a woman hoping she never changes while a woman considers marrying a man she hopes she can change.  This is the wrong approach on both accounts.  Don’t assume that you can change a person after you’re married to them or that they will reach their potential.  There is no guarantee, after all, that those changes will be for the better. In fact, it’s often for the worse. If you can’t accept someone or imagine living with them as they are then don’t marry them.  These differences can include a number of things such as ideological or practical differences in religion, habits, hygiene, communication skills, etc.

2) Choose Character over Chemistry
While chemistry and attraction are no doubt important, character precedes them both. A famous quote follows, “Chemistry ignites the fire, but character keeps it burning.” The idea of falling “in love” should never be the sole reason for marrying someone; it is very easy to confuse infatuation and lust for love.  The most important character traits to look for include humility, kindness, responsibility, & happiness. Here’s a breakdown of each trait:
  • Humility: The humble person never makes demands of people but rather always does right by them. They put their values and principles above convenience and comfort.  They are slow to anger, are modest, and avoid materialism.
  • Kindness: The kind person is the quintessential giver. They seek to please and minimize the pain of others. To know if a person is a giver, observe how they treat their family, siblings, and parents. Do they have gratitude towards their parents for all that they’ve done for them? If not, then know that they will never appreciate what you do for them. How do they treat people they don’t have to be kind towards (i.e. waiters, sales associates, employees, etc)? How do they spend their money?  How do they deal with anger; their own anger and their reaction to someone else’s anger?
  • Responsibility: A responsible person has stability in their finances, relationships, job, and character.  You can you rely on this person and trust what they say.
  • Happiness: A happy person is content with their portion in life. They feel good about themselves and good about their life. They focus on what they have rather than on what they don’t have.  They very rarely complain.

3) Do Not Neglect The  Emotional Needs of Your Partner
Both men and women have emotional needs and in order for a partnership to be successful those needs must be mutually met. The fundamental emotional need of a woman is to be loved.  The fundamental emotional need of a man is to be respected and appreciated.  To make a woman feel loved give her the three AAAs:  Attention, Affection, & Appreciation.  To make a man feel loved give him the three RRRs:  Respect, Reassurance, & Relief.  It is the obligation of each partner to make sure the other is happy and this extends to intimacy as well. As long as each partner is fulfilled by the emotional needs of the other, the intimate relationship will thrive.  When a man takes seriously the emotional needs of his wife she will feel more encouraged to fulfill his sexual desires. Likewise, when a woman takes seriously the emotional needs of her husband he will feel more encouraged to give her the affection, love and appreciation she wants from him. Working together in this way encourages both giving and receiving.

4) Avoid Opposing Life Plans
In marriage you can either grow together or grow apart. Sharing a common purpose in life will increase the chance that you will grow together.
  • You must know what the person is into. In other words, what are they ultimately passionate about?  Then ask yourself, “Do I respect this passion?” “Do I respect what they are into?”
  • The more specifically you define yourself, i.e., your values, your beliefs, your lifestyle, the better chance you have of finding your life partner, your soul mate, the one you are most compatible with.
  • Remember, before you decide who to take along on a trip, you should first figure out your destination.

5) Avoid Pre-Marital Sexual/Physical Activity:
  • Recognize that there is incredible wisdom in why God has ordered us to refrain from intimacy before marriage; they are to prevent great harms as well as to keep sacred what is the most blessed part of a relationship between a man and a woman.
  • Aside from the obvious spiritual consequences, when a relationship gets physical before its time, important issues like character, life philosophy, and compatibility go to the wayside. Consequently, everything is romanticized and it becomes difficult to even remember the important issues let alone talk about them.
  • Intellectual commitment must be established before emotional or sexual commitment.

6) Avoid Lack of Emotional Connection:  There are four questions that you must answer YES to:

  • Do I respect and admire this person?  What specifically do I respect and admire about this person?
  • Do I trust this person?  Can I rely on them?  Do I trust their judgment?  Do I trust their word? Can I believe what they say?
  • Do I feel Safe?  Do I feel emotionally safe with this person?  Can I be vulnerable?  Can I be myself?  Can I be open?  Can I express myself?
  • Do I feel calm and at peace with this person?
If the answer is “I don’t know, I’m not sure, etc.” keep evaluating until you know for sure and truly understand how you feel. If you don’t feel safe now, you won’t feel safe when you are married.  If you don’t trust now, this won’t change when you are married!

7) Pay Attention to Your Own Emotional Anxiety:
Choosing someone you don’t feel safe with emotionally is not a good recipe for a long-lasting and loving marriage.  Feeling emotionally safe is the foundation of a strong and healthy marriage.  When you don’t feel safe, you can’t express your feelings and opinions.  Learn how to identify whether you are in an abusive relationship.  If you feel you always have to monitor what you say, if you are with someone and you feel you can’t really express yourself and are always walking on eggshells, then it’s very likely you are in an abusive relationship.  Look for the following things:

  • Controlling behavior: This includes controlling the way you act, the way you think, the way you dress, the way you wear your hair/hijab and the way you spend your time.  Know the difference between suggestions and demands.  Demands are an expression of control and if the demands are implied, than you must do it or there will be consequences. All of these are clear indications of abusive personalities.
  • Anger issues: This is someone who raises their voice on a regular basis, who is angry, gets angry at you, uses anger against you, uses put downs, and curses at you, etc.  You don’t have to put up with this type of treatment.  Many people who tolerate this behavior usually come from abusive backgrounds.  If this is the case with you or someone you know, get help right away.  Deal with those issues before getting married or before even thinking about getting married.

8) Beware of Lack of Openness In Your Partner:  Many couples make the mistake of not putting everything on the table for discussion from the onset.  Ask yourself, “What do I need to know to be absolutely certain I want to marry this person?” “What bothers me about this person or the relationship?”  It’s very important to identify what’s bothering you, things that concern you, and things you are afraid to bring up for discussion. Then you must have an honest discussion about them. This is a great way to test the strength of your relationship. Bringing up issues when there’s conflict is a great opportunity to really evaluate how well you communicate, negotiate, and work together as a team.  When people get into power struggles and blame each other, it’s an indication they don’t work well as a team.  Also important is being vulnerable around each other. Ask deep questions of each other and see how your partner responds.  How do they handle it?  Are they defensive?  Do they attack?  Do they withdraw?  Do they get annoyed?  Do they blame you?  Do they ignore it?  Do they hide or rationalize it?  Don’t just listen to what they say but watch for how they say it!

9) Beware of Avoiding Personal Responsibility:
It’s very important to remember no one else is responsible for your happiness. Many people make the mistake of thinking someone else will fulfill them and make their life better and that’s their reason for getting married.  People fail to realize that if they are unhappy as a single person, they will continue to be miserable when they are married.  If you are currently not happy with yourself, don’t like yourself, don’t like the direction your life is going now, it’s important to take responsibility for that now and work on improving those areas of your life before considering marriage.  Don’t bring these issues into your marriage and hope your partner will fix them.

10) Watch Out For Lack of Emotional Health and Availability In Your Potential Partner
Many people choose partners that are not emotionally healthy or available. One huge problem is when a partner is unable to balance the emotional ties to family members, the marriage ends up having 3 (or more) people in it rather than two. An example of this would be if a man is overly dependent on his mother and brings that relationship into the marriage; this is no doubt a recipe for disaster.  Also important to consider are the following:
  • Avoid people who are emotionally empty inside.  These include people who don’t like themselves because they lack the ability to be emotionally available. They are always preoccupied with their deficiencies, insecurities, and negative thoughts.  They are in a perpetual fight with depression, never feel good, are isolated, are critical and judgmental; tend to not have any close friends, and often distrust people or are afraid of them.  Another clear indication about them is they always feel their needs are not getting met; they have a sense of entitlement and feel angry when they feel people should take care of them and they don’t.  They feel burdened by other people’s needs and feel resentment towards them.  These people can not be emotionally available to build healthy relationships.
  • Addictions can also limit the level of availability of the partner to build a strong emotional relationship.  Never marry an addict.  Addictions are not limited to drugs and alcohol.  They can be about addictions and dependency on work, internet, hobbies, sports, shopping, money, power, status, materialism, etc.  When someone has an addiction, they will not and can not be emotionally available to develop an intimate relationship with you!
Additional Points to Consider:
  1. The fact is no one looks 25 forever.  Ultimately, we love the person we marry for more than their appearance.  When we get to know someone we love and admire, we’ll love them for their inner beauty and overall essence.
  2. Once we find someone, we consciously or subconsciously want so badly for it all to work that we decide not to question or see what is clearly in front of our eyes: they were rude to the waiter, speaks ill of others, is rude to you, etc.  We don’t stop to ask, “What does all of this mean about their character?”
  3. Never separate someone from their family, background, education, belief system, etc.  Asking clear questions can clarify this.  Ask questions like, “What does it mean to have a simple lifestyle?” “What are your expectations of marriage?”  “How would you help around the house?” Compare your definition with theirs.
  4. Be flexible.  Be open-minded!
  5. Giving in a happy marriage should not be confused with martyrdom.  It should be about taking pleasure and seeing the other person as happy because of your connection with them.
  6. Morality and spirituality are the qualities that truly define someone in addition to beauty, money, and health.  The morally upright and spiritual person will stand by your side during adversity and hardship.  If someone isn’t God-conscience and doesn’t take themselves into account with God then why should you expect them to fulfill their rights owed to you? The ideal partner is someone who considers giving a gain and not causing a loss.  Having a mutual and shared spiritual relationship will foster a successful marriage.  Furthermore, a successful marriage is one that keeps the laws of family purity which require a certain degree of self-control and self-discipline, as well as the belief that the physical side of the relationship includes the spiritual and emotional side as well.  Finding commonality and balance between the spiritual and emotional aspects of a relationship is a strong key to a healthy and thriving marriage.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Info : Permohonan Housemanship (HO) Malaysia 2016


Syukur harini lepas dah satu stage dalam hidup aku iaitu temuduga dengan SPA.

Bagi lepasan luar negara, adalah normal untuk menunggu minima 6 bulan sebelum mendapat pekerjaan. Manakala sebahagian amat bernasib baik terutamanya graduan Mesir di mana mereka berjaya mendapatkan sijil tepat sebelum tarikh tamat untuk mengisi borang SPA8i.

Ni nak cerita dari A-Z permohonan untuk pegawai perubatan gred UD41 di Malaysia.

Sebulan sebelum pulang ke tanah air, adalah elok untuk kalian ready isi borang SPA8i di website SPA tekan tuh. Pastikan segala maklumat tepat, dan jangan lupa untuk tekan perakuan pemohon sebelum submit. Jangan tekan save aje... Dah jadi kat aku lahh...tu lambat tu panggil interview :P
Check tarikh submit permohonan di atas kiri.

Sekembalinya ke tanah air, dengan membawa segala sijil-sijil, urusan yang perlu diselesaikan ialah

  1. Memohon nombor pendaftaran sementara dari MMC
  2. Menghantar Borang Maklumat Diri ke Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (selepas mendapat nombor pendaftaran sementara dari MMC)
  3. P/S: Pemohon baru kini akan mendapat nombor pendaftaran sementara MMC hanya selepas ditemuduga oleh SPA. 
  4. Melapor diri pada pemberi biasiswa ( MARA seperti dalam kes saya)
  1. Dowload Form 4 & Fitness to practice declaration dari sini dan isi
  2. Sediakan dokumen seperti berikut
    1. ORIGINAL DEAN’S LETTER OR a certified true copy of basic Medical Degree (Please specify date of graduation if not indicated in any of the documents)
      • Bagi graduan India, provisional degree certificate dan internship certificate adalah wajib, serta surat yang menyatakan bahawa institusi itu adalah certified by Indian Medical Council (bagi salinan original)
      • Jika sijil bukan dalam english-sila translate dan sahkan di tempat yang disyorkan
    2. Result transcripts covering the WHOLE course/study duration
    3. A recent passport-sized photograph
    4. Lain-lain dokumen :
      • Salinan IC
      • Salinan sijil kelahiran
      • Salinan sijil SPM
  3. Di dalam Form 4, anda boleh pilih untuk menerima secara pos, atau pergi ke pejabat dan terima by-hand. Pos memakan masa lebih lama. 
    • Dalam kes saya yang duduk pantai timur ni, saya pos segala dokumen dan call pejabat MMC untuk mengetahui sama ada mereka menerima dokumen saya dan adakah ia lengkap, dan memilih untuk ambil by-hand.
    • Tempoh siap ialah 7 hari bekerja dari tarikh terima dokumen. 

  1. Download Borang Maklumat Diri dari portal KKM.
  2. Isi dan sertakan maklumat serta kepilkan salinan (tak perlu pengesahan)
      • Salinan kad pengenalan
      • Salinan SPM
      • Salinan ijazah
      • Sijil pendaftaran sementara dari MPM
      • Sijil nikah kalau dah kawin :P
...............dah siap!!! Pastikan check berkali-kali dekat portal SPA8i untuk maklumat, kang salah, lambat dapat interview pulak, Tak perlu pun call orang SPA tu, nanti akan dapat mesej dan email untuk panggilan temuduga.

Tips temuduga : Just be yourself, study pasal Malaysia- Government Transformation Programme, UTC, RTC, Klinik 1 Malaysia, dan current health issues- 70% dari markah temuduga. Soalan medical 30% dari markah temuduga, tumpukan pada case emergency dalam medical, orthopaedics, paediatrics dan O & G bermula dari case presentation, symptoms signs, management, treatment, diagnosis.

Tu je,,,daaa~

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Travel : Percutian ke Krabi & PADI Open Water Diving License

Hello hello...

Kali ni kita ke Krabi.

Matawang : Baht RM 1 = 8.3 Baht
Plug : Kalau plug Malaysia mata 3 sila bawa adapter. Dia mata 2 bulat dan empat segi tu je.
GMT : +7 lewat sejam dari Malaysia

Musim cuti lama-lama ni kita habiskan masa berjalan jela okeh? Kalau duit banyak lagi best sbenarnye...huu. Mau aku keliling satu donia!

Nak pergi Krabi ni dah lama dah. Sebab tengok ambil lesen menyelam kat sana macam murah! Dah rancang setahun dah, pastu duit Malaysia jatuh! Aku dah book dah! Cisssssssssss....! Mahal la jadi.
Patut dalam RM1400. Duit jatuh, jadi RM1800...haih haih. Takpe la dah book dh pun.

Harga dalam matawang sana 14,900 Baht untuk 3 hari course termasuk sewa peralatan seperti tangki oksigen, wet suit, mask, fins, pemberat tu, dan bot pergi balik ke pulau Phi Phi. Wei sini takde camera underwater la. Kena bawak sendiri, lupa nak tanye boleh sewa ke idok.

Sampai di Krabi jam 6 pm waktu tempatan, saya ambil taxi airport takut sampai lambat. 600 Baht tambang fix ke kawasan Ao Nang, masa dalam 40 minit. Shuttle bas juga ada, tapi lambat sikit dalam sejam macam tu.

Ambil pakej dari Aqua Vision Krabi. Dalam banyak-banyak diving school saya email, yang ni balas paling pantas. So, ambil yang ni lah. Mula-mula bayar half dari harga asal melalui PayPal. Sesampai di sana, perlu sign borang yang menyatakan kita sihat, dan macam borang keselamatan untuk naik bot. Esok janji dengan dia pukul berapa, cakap kita dok hotel mana, nanti dia pergi ambik.

Hari pertama, kelas dalam kolam aje. Kena berenang 200 meter non stop, kolam tu aku rasa 10 meter je, so kene pusing 20 kali. Hakak is pancit! Kemudian, kena apungkan diri dalam masa 10 minit tanpa bantuan ape2. Ko gile? Men tipu gak pegang kat tepi jap. Penat wei!haha..

Dalam kolam tu kami diajar bermacam-macam teknik dan isyarat keselamatan dalam kes-kes tertentu. Menarik! Cikgu sangat best dan penyabar, si cikgu Jeroen. Contoh kecemasan, dalam kes kita kehabisan oksigen di dasar laut. Ha, cuak tak?

Dah habis balik ke kedai dan tengok video ape yang kita belajar, pastu ada test sikit. Malam tu, aku makan kedai dekat tu je. Makan mi chambong. Sedap oi! Murah lak tu.40 Baht.hhehe

poyo-poyo depan kedai angkat equipment yang berat bak hang!
Hari ke dua masa untuk belajar di laut yang betul. Tapi kali ni pada kedalaman 12 meter je. Ni ha kau kene prektis apa belajar dalam kolam, di dasar laut betul. Konon-konon habis oksigen, pastu kene mintak kawan punye. Aku fikir nyawe terlayang-layang je bila bukak regulator tu (yang pakai kat mulut untuk bernafas). Ada 2 dive, lepas lunch atas bot. Kali ke dua aku lebih relax.

Lepas dive macam biasa, balik semula ada kelas tengok video, pastu test lagi. Memang belah petang after 4 camtu dah free dah. Gi la jalan mane nak.

Hari ke 3 kita nak selam dalam lagi. Kali ni test lebih extreme sikit, arus pun kuat, aku gelabah dah. Habis semua terbantut sebab aku.kekekek...kene pergi dalam 10 meter ke bawah, takda oksigen, kau naik, ha sekarang baju kau takde udara, mampuih nak kena tiup manual sambil kau apungkan diri, ni pun aku rasa nyawa terlayang-layang gak. Hahaha.. rasa nak blup blup turun ke bawah.

Hari terakhir baru aku sewa motor. Sehari (24 jam waktu) ada harga 200 baht, ada harga 250 baht, ikut la selesa. Aku sewa kedai tepi hotel, senang nak hantar balik kan, tapi kena bagi passport kita lah, tawakkal je.

Oh ye, kalau nak makan jimat, jangan makan along pantai Ao Nang, mahal nak mampuis, tak sdap pulak tu, lagi-lagi yang nama kedai Lemon ape ntah, Papan je besar. Pergi lah makan area berdekatan masjid nuh. Banyak sedap dan murah.

Jangan lupa beli penkek coklat ke pisang ke ape, sedap, ikut la nak taruk ape. Hari-hari aku bedal. 40 baht je harge.

Kelas diakhiri dengan tepukan dari semua atas bot. I am now an Open Water Diver! Tocey tocey!
wei kene makan qu puteh dah!

Macam biasa, diakhiri dengan upacara melompat! haha..kbai!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Travel : Percutian Ekspress ke Singapore ( Universal Studios Singapore)

Assalamualaikum dan hello..

Lama tak tulis blog ni since takda aktiviti terkini, dan busy dengan semua urusan nak balik ke Malaysia. Haritu, aku bercuti secara laju-laju ke Singapore. Kenapa laju? Meh aku cerita...

Jeng jeng...

Kami bertolak petang ke Johor Bahru dari KL, sebab jam dalam KL, jadi bertambah la jam nak sampai ke Johor. Tiba-tiba pulak, dekat KM 120.5 lepas Yong Peng, tayar kereta pecah kau! Nasib kawan tu pro, terus bawa ke tepi. Punya la gelabah, sampai contact kawan kat Melaka suruh mai tengok. Ingat dekat ka? Then aku teringat kad tol PLUS. Kat situ ada contact number, call dan bagitau masalah dan kat km berapa, dalam 10 minit dia sampai. Cepat dan pantas! Syabas!

Paling tak boleh belah, time dia nak ambil spare tyre dalam bonet, tengok bonet bersepah penuh barang, dia tanya nak lari rumah ke? Hahaha ciskek betul!
ni cekonon pandai la ni..hahaha
Dah siap tu, pasang tyre spare, boleh bawa dalam 80km/j je. jenuh wei! sampai JB Danga Bay dalam pukul 1 lebih. Kami check in solat mandi tidur terus. Kelebihan duduk di Tunes Hotel Danga Bay ni, dia ada shuttle untuk ke Singapore! RM29 pergi balik. Boleh beli time tempah hotel tu, dan terus call ke Odyssey punya agent untuk chop tempat dalam bas. Better ambil pukul 7.30 punya trip. Kami silap tak call awal, dapat 8.30 punya trip, dan sampai Singapore 11 lebih camtu. Perjalanan campur jam campur Imigresen ke Singapore ambil masa dekat 2 jam.

Ok. Cerita pagi nya, kami check out terus, letak barang dalam kereta. Aku rasa safe juga park dekat Tunes Hotel tu, berpagar, dan ada pak guard. 8.30 pagi van kecil datang. Selesa juga. Aku ingat sampai ke Singapore naik tu. Rupanya dia hantar sampai tengah bandar, pastu naik bas 707. Dalam setengah jam kami tiba di Imigresen Malaysia. Sangat laju sebab pakai autogate. Then turun semula, bas tunggu sebelah sana. Macam tu juga sampai ke Imigresen Singapura, turun bas (kalau ada luggage bawa turun semua) yang mana ambil masa sikit sebab manual. Dalam 30 minit juga beratur. Lepas tu cari semula bas tu kat bawah.

Dah lepas tu bergerak lah ke USS di Sentosa World. Sampai tempat parking tu, naik lah escalator ke atas. Sampai lah kat globe USS tu.Ambil gambar puas2 ok. Kami bayar tiket pakai kredit kad ayah kawan tu, mastercard dapat discount 10 singapore dollar ok! So tiket jadi 64 singapore dollar instead of 74 dollar. Masuk tu aku cadangkan ambil peta dan pergi tempat jauh dulu. Biasa orang gerak dari entrance dan ke tempat jauh.

Balik tu patut kami pakai bas yang sama sebab dah beli pergi balik, tapi nak kejar kedai tayar punye pasal, kami kejar bas loceng kat tempat parking bawah tu. bayar 5 singapore dollar je. Drawback bas ni, lepas Singapore Immigration, berlambak orang balik kerja akan naik jugak, Dan lepas Imigresen Malaysia, dia stop sampai situ je. Jadi kami jalan ke arah stesen bas JB city centre dan tanya bas mana lalu Tunes Hotel Danga Bay. kena jalan sikit la. Bertolak pukul 6, kami sampai 7.30 ptg terus gi cari kedai tayar. Tutup dah! Cis. Okay takpe. Pastu balik la KL maintain kelajuan bawah 80km/j. hahaha jem pale wei slow gile. Aku rasa ni la jalan-jalan paling laju dalam hidup aku. Berlari wei! Layan gambar lah!

Total cost.

Minyak kereta share pergi balik = RM40
Tol share pergi balik = RM27
Hotel share 3 orang = RM49
Shuttle ke singapore pergi balik = RM29.10
Makan+beli jajan roti bagai = RM35
Tiket USS = RM180
Souvenir Singapore dollar 30 = RM90

Total = RM441.10
awal-awal tak ramai orang. dekat nak tutup lagi ramaii!

basah main air dekat jurrasic world tu...huu..
ni memula ada show tarian. pastu boleh bergambar dengan diorang. show start jam 5 kat sini


Si Mistik

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Resepi : Hokkaido Cream Cupcakes Mudah

Assalamualaikum uols...dah lama tak jenguk blog. Sebab busy bekerja, sangat stress, baking dan masak pun jarang-jarang dah, penat teramatsss...~

Harini, scroll moments kat Wechat, ternampak la orang makan Hokkaido Cream Cupcakes. Punya la rasa perut keriuk keriuk ha, tertelan-telan airliur, walaupaun tak pernah tahu rasa dia macam mana.

Google punya google resepi, banyak pakai gram lah ape lah, tang tu malas tu, penimbang tarak. So, iols convert la sukatan sudu dan cawan atau ml.

Resepi Hokkaido Cream Cupcakes

Bahan A:
  • 3 biji kuning telur
  • 4 sudu besar gula castor
  • 60ml susu segar
  • 35ml minyak sayuran
  • 2/3 cawan tepung kek
Bahan B:
  • 3 biji putih telur
  • 5 sudu besar gula castor
Bahan C: (untuk filling)
  • 1 cawan susu segar
  • 3 sudu besar tepung kastad
  • 2 sudu besar gula biasa
  • 1 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • 1/2 cawan whipping cream(optional)

  1. Panaskan oven ke 170 darjah selsius
  2. Pukul putih telur sampai bertanduk sambil masukkan sedikit demi sedikit gula (Bahan B). Ketepikan.
  3. Pukul kuning telur, dan gula kastor sampai pucat, masukkan susu segar dan minyak sayuran, putar lagi sehingga berbuih.

  4. Kemudian, ayak tepung ke dalam acuan kuning telur. Siap Bahan A.
  5. Masukkan 1/3 dari bahan B ke dalam bahan A dan sebatikan secara kaup balik. Ulang sampai habis.

  6. Masukkan adunan sampai 2/3 dari papercup. Biasa orang guna 4 segi, tapi I tara la..
  7. Bakar selama 20-25 minit dalam oven pada suhu 160 degree celcius dan biarkan sebentar sebelum dikeluarkan.

  8. Untuk filling cream dia, kacau susu segar, tepung kastad, gula dan esen vanila atas api sederhana sehingga likat. Biarkan sejuk seketika, kemudian masukkan whipping cream dan kacau sebati. Kalau masuk whipping cream tu lagi ringan dan gebu filling tu.

    Saya takde whipping cream, pun boleh, tapi terpekat pula :P
  9. Boleh la di paipkan ke dalam kek kastad tu pakai nozzle yang sesuai.
  10. Hiasi dengan gula aising yang di ayak dan buah kesukaan.
  11. Selamat makan !

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mem"Baking" Checkered Cake

Semenjak beli oven ni, makin galak aku membaking. Mula-mula memang suka pun dari dulu, tapi takde bakat, tangan keras. Pastu semenjak dua menjak ni aku rajin la search dan tengok video. Alhamdulillah hasil lagi okay dari dulu. Dulu macam budak 4 tahun je buat kerja kekdahnya. Comot gila. Inspirasi aku of course Kak Azlita Masam Manis . Tak kedekut untuk share ilmu. Aku banyak rujuk dari dia je.. Heee...

Mula-mula aku ni jenis yang tak sabar, tak boleh tunggu apa nak jadi nanti. Terus nak buat. Kek suam-suam lagi dah sapu icing. Haha..sekarang aku mampu tabah menunggu supaya hasil dia cantik :)

InsyaAllah dah habis study ni, merepat kat rumah berbulan-bulan, aku ingat nak cari rezeki la cari duit kawin sikit. Kalau kita buat elok, jual harga berpatutan, mesti orang beli. Aku bukan fikir sangat nak untung. Tapi setiap kali ada peluang tu, setiap kali ada orang putih kata room for improvement.

Ni harini aku buat checkered cake. Takde bahan khas pun. Aku potong je ngan pisau bulat-bulat ikut kertas yang dipotong bulat (walaupun tak perfect sangat) , tapi nampak la checkered dia tu lepas potong.

Ok, tu je. Kalau orang pro tengok kek aku ni, nangis je. Tapi sebab sendiri buat, rasa bangga pulak. Hahaha..Kbai!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Resepi : Lasagna Mudah, Senang, Kepemalasan :P

Selamat berhujung minggu kalian. Patutnya harini tak kerja. Aku dah berangan plan nak masak kari hijau. Tapi, tak cukup staff la pulak. Kena pergi juga kerja. Hummm... Sabar jela noks. Ikhlaskan diri nak berkhidmat pada rakyat.

Lapar sangat balik tengah hari tu, godek punya godek, aku teringat ada terbeli lasagna. Ayam pun ada, cendawan pun ada, tomato pun ada. Jadi resepi hari minggu kali ni ialah Lasagna Ayam.

Preparation time : 30 minutes
Baking time : 40 minutes

Sementara bakar tu, boleh la golek-golek sambil berjemur bawah kipas. MasyaAllah panas nya India sekaranga ni. Mujur duduk sorang. Boleh buat gaya duduk tepi pantai gaya mat saleh.

terlupa lapik sauce atas sekali T_T

Resepi Lasagna Mudah

  • Lasagna keping- mestilah dia berkeping. Hahaha

Red sauce:
    • Ayam kisar 500g - sini takda ayam kisar, beli dada ayam kisar sendiri je.. :P
    • Sesudu besar minyak zaitun
    • Ready made Prego sauce ke, Arabiata ke, ikut la. Asal merah
    • Cendawan butang segenggam
    • Cili benggala / cili padi ke ikut la taste sendiri
    • Perisa : Garam, oregano, black pepper

Cara-cara :

    1. Mula-mula panaskan sesudu besar minyak zaitun, bubuh ayam, cili, garam, oregano, dan black pepper. Kacau sampai masak.
    2. Curahkan sos pasta ready made/ buat sendiri pun boleh, biar menggelegak seketika. Masukkan secawan air, kasi ada air sikit untuk tujuan masak lasagna.
    3. Biar menggelegak dan perisakan dengan garam.

White sauce : Boleh buat atau pakai sos alfredo cheese dalam tin kuning tu je

    • 2 sudu besar butter
    • 3 sudu besar tepung gandum
    • 500ml susu segar
    • 1 Kiub pati ayam kalau nak 
    • Cheddar cheese segenggam
  • Cara-cara :
    1. Cairkan butter, masukkan tepung dan kacau.
    2. Masukkan susu dan cheddar cheese dan kiub ayam
    3. Kacau sampai pekat dan ketepikan

Okay dah siap sauce kita. Jangan risau, nampak je macam rumit, tapi sebenarnya senang. Jom susun lasagna kita.

Panaskan oven pada 180 degree celcius selama 15 minit.

  • Oleskan olive oil pada bekas nak bakar.
  • Susun satu lapisan lasagna
  • Bubuh red sauce, ratakan.
  • Bubuh white sauce, ratakan. Nak tabur cheese pun boleh atas tu.
  • Lapik dengan kepingan lasagna lagi
  • Ulang bubuh red sauce dengan white sauce. lapik dengan lasagna pada lapisan terakhir
  • Jangan lupa bubuh lebihan white sauce atas lasagna terakhir dan tekan untuk padatkan dan kasi level air kuah tenggelam lapisan atas tu ( aku lupa part ni, garing lah lasagna tu... T_T)

Nota! Pastikan kuah red sauce tadi tenggelamkan lapisan lasagna itu untuk memastikan dia masak nanti.

Bakar pada 180 degree celcius selama 40 minit. Biarkan sejuk sebentar sebelum makan, Siap!

Saya nak pergi makan...hihihi..bai!

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